Thursday, 22 March 2012

Grade 5

Taken from the beach showing a typical Beaufort scale grade 5 (
That is what I got last Sunday. I read the forecast of 15-20kn SSE and was a bit skeptical of going for a paddle by myself.  I had made calls and sent emails for company during the week but nobody was keen to go.
Saturday had been lost. Original plans were for rock climbing but the rain spoiled that and I stayed home "playing" with the computer.
So on Sunday I decided to take the kayak to the little bay/beach I usually start from and see what the conditions were like. The photo above shows what I found. I thought "I will launch and will stay in the bay, protected from the wind and will surf and practise rolling." So I put the kayak on the sand, I put myself in the kayak and went in. Surfed a bit, rolled another bit and then I felt I wanted to go out and test the conditions, so I went.

Luring me in
It was hard going South against the wind, some waves breaking and splashing

Then I turned the fun started!! Splash, steep waves, wind in the back to help you stay on them...

What else can you ask?

The following video from Sunday is just the water smashing against the rocks

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